Weird Apache Logs

I got some weird stuff turned up in yesterdays Apache log.

x.x.x.x - www.circlesofhope [02/Nov/2002:20:43:07] "GET /b2/index.php?p=28...
x.x.x.x - www.madeleine.bunting [02/Nov/2002:20:52:53] "GET /b2/index.php?p=12...
x.x.x.x - www.circlesofhope [02/Nov/2002:20:53:46] "GET /b2/index.php?p=19...
x.x.x.x - www.circlesofhope [02/Nov/2002:20:54:45] "GET /b2/index.php?cat=2...
x.x.x.x - www.madeleine.bunting [02/Nov/2002:20:55:31] "GET /b2/index.php?p=31...

Note that there is what looks like (but isn’t) a hostname in the authorised user column.
A google search found me Valley Brook Botanicals and Design note the url on that actually does use a username of www.circlesofhope. I also found Circles of Hope a charity crochet page at the same domain.
There is also a Councilling Service, and St Camillus Catholic Center for Pastoral Care. None of which look like they could be referer spammers (and it’s not the referer field either). So what is that doing in my logs?

Meanwhile, Madeleine Bunting is a columnist at Guardian Unlimited.
